Each treatment plan is specifically tailored to each individual. These are some of the more popular treatments that we offer at Zellweger Family Chiropractic.
Spinal Adjustments
Spinal adjustments are used successfully to treat a variety of different soft tissue disorders as well as a number of other health problems. Spinal adjustments or spinal manipulation is the process of applying a quick but gentle pressure to “subluxated” vertebrae in a corrective manner. Spinal adjustments correct many of the structural, biomechanical and neurological abnormalities of the spine which cause or contribute to a high number of back, neck and other non-spinal ailments. We also offer Mechanical Adjustments for those that prefer this method of chiropractic.
Spinal Traction and Decompression
Both traction and decompression therapy are applied with the goals of relieving pain and promoting an optimal healing environment for bulging, degenerating, or herniated discs. While results obviously vary, many back pain patients who undergo decompression therapy, including those who are long-term chronic or post-surgical cases, are able to resume normal activities. Spinal decompression therapy is safe, comfortable and painless.
Electric Muscle Stimulation
During this chiropractic therapy, electrodes are placed on the skin that send light electrical pulses to different areas of the body with the purpose of reducing inflammation, curtailing muscle spasms and relieving pain. Most of the time, we do not think of pain in terms of inflammation, but for the most part, that is precisely what causes pain. After a few visits, the inflammation in your muscles and nerves will be gone altogether or significantly reduced
Manual Therapy
Manual Therapy is a specialized form of therapy delivered with the hands as opposed to a device or machine. In manual therapy, we use our hands to put pressure on muscle tissue and manipulate joints in an attempt to decrease back pain caused by muscle spasm, muscle tension, and joint dysfunction. Manual therapy can be helpful for the treatment of joints that lack adequate mobility and range of motion in certain musculo-skeletal conditions
Sports Injuries and Extremeties
We treat all joints including knees, hips, ankles, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and feet. By utilizing chiropractic care and by using other therapies to help the supportive tissues (muscles, tendons, & ligaments), we help the injured areas return to normal function. Afterward, better strategies for exercise and stretching will be discussed with the patient to help him stay on the straight and narrow path to better enjoyment of your chosen sport.
Dr. Heather Zellweger and Dr. Justin Zellweger have advanced training dealing strictly with pregnancies, certified in the Webster Technique for pregnant women. This allows the fetus to get into the best possible position for delivery. Research has also shown those under chiropractor care during pregnancy have an easier and shorter labor. Both pregnancy and delivery puts a tremendous amount of stress on the spine creating many pains throughout the upper and lower body.
Chiropractic plays an important role in children during all stages of development from, infancy, crawling, walking, and into their elementary years. This is the time that their bodies, skeletal systems, and muscle structures are growing exponentially requiring special care and attention.
We offer full x-ray analysis in office. Advanced imaging is often needed to diagnose and confirm many spinal conditions. These are often covered by most insurance companies.
Specialized Treatments
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